Hello, girls! 

Sadly, most of us unconsciously commit lots of beauty sins. To make things worse, we do it even before going on holidays. Don’t we desire our bodies to look amazing by the sea or in the mountains? Check things and products you should avoid to keep hair and skin in shape!

How do you use perfume?

Remember that perfume can’t be applied directly to skin and hair. Why? It contains alcohols and other substances that might cause irritations. If you spray your skin and hair with perfume and go into the sunlight – allergy reactions guaranteed! Spraying clothes with perfume or using fragrance mists are far safer. Never forget to check the ingredients before buying a cosmetic.

Foundation + Sunscreen

If you plan on visiting warm countries, you must pack SPF cream. Don’t use SPF-enriched foundations. Why? The factor in such products is very low so it won’t protect your skin from pigmentation spots, wrinkles or dryness. You think the sun cream is going to whiten your skin and clog pores? No worries; you must apply it the right way. Always check the label or instructions on the product’s website. You can follow my tip – do a scrub and apply a moisturiser on the day before using the sunscreen.

Say NO to exfoliating before sunbathing!

Yes, you can do the scrub a day before sunbaths but forget about exfoliating your skin right before the sun exposure. Your skin can get more sensitive and prone to damage during the treatment. External aggressors will penetrate easily; that’s why you apply soothing or moisturising products after scrubs. Regrettably, when you expose freshly exfoliated skin to the sunlight, you cause a lot of harm e.g. irritations, sunburns or other blemishes.

Shield moles & marks

Even better idea – visit a dermatologist to check your skin marks before holidays. The check-up is painless and allows for diagnosing skin cancers. You can protect mules with regular sticking plasters, special sticks or an extra layer of sunscreen.

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