Hello, girls!
Evening is the magic time when I can calm down, clear my head and forget about everything. I take a relaxing bath enriched with oils, salts or citrus and herbal extracts. Effect? Beautiful and illuminated skin, relaxed muscles and chill-out. Why are baths so important to your body and soul?
Let’s smooth the skin and soothe the body
If you desire such benefits, use salts that prevent inflammation, smooth the skin and enhance blood flow. Moreover, salt relaxes muscles and keeps the acid-base balance in the body. How to use it? Fill the tub with water (37ºC), pour up to two cups of salt (half cup during first use). You can buy natural and safe salts at herb or healthy food shops.
Let’s detoxify the skin and do away with cellulite
You dream of smooth and cellulite-free skin? Use herbal infusions – thyme or horsetail – for your bath routine. The first plant has cleansing properties whereas the other one – prevents fungi. How to prepare thyme-enriched bath? Brew 150 grams of thyme; boil for 20 minutes, drain and pour into the tub. Remember the heart must stay above the water level and the whole bath can’t be longer than 20 minutes. What about bathing in horsetail mixture? Boil 100 grams of dried herbs for 10 minutes; next, let it infuse for a few minutes. Pour the brew into water and enjoy the health benefits of your bath.
Let’s purify and nourish the skin
Enrich water with clay for such effects. Choose the one that matches your skin type, throw a few spoons into the tub filled with warm water. The bath should last up to 20 minutes. Repeat the treatment twice a week and your skin will look healthy and stunning. Be careful, clay-enriched baths can make you feel sick or weak.
Mood-lifting bath
Make use of cosmetic oils e.g. lavender, basil, tea tree… Remember to check their benefits before buying so they can condition your skin type. If relaxation is your only goal, go for essential and aromatherapy oils. Add a few drops and relax!